
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Longest Animal Life Span

This animal listed below was the animal with the longest life span, Who are they? well you have to check this out. even they has a long life span it doesn’t mean that they’re immortal like our previous post about the immortal animal. This animal below has a long age like human, some of them could live for 65 years or more.

5. Tuatara – 111 Years

The two species of Tuatara found alive today because they are considered dinosaurs lived on earth has grown to 200 million years. They are also one of the longest age vertebrate on earth, both as a species and as individuals. A Tuatara at a zoo recently lay eggs at the age of 111

4. Geoduck – 160 Years

Geoduck Longest Animal Life Span

This sea water bivalve species has a minimum lifetime of 160 years. They have 2m long necks. whic is Visible when out of his shell

3. Lamella Tube Worms – 170 Years

Lamelia Tube Worm Longest Animal Life Span

This uncolored tube worms found in deep ocean waters. They were in the ventilation of hydrocarbons found on the seabed and seems to live more than 170 years.

2. Giant Turtle – 250 years

Gaint Turtle Longest Animal Life Span

This turtle species is a vertebrate with the longest life on Earth. One of the turtles are named for Harriet, a Galápagos tortoise, has died at the age of 175. ‘Adwaita’ other species of giant Aldabra tortoises known to have died at the age of 250 in March 2006.

1. Antartic Sponge – 1550 Years

Antartic Sponge Longest Animal Life Span

low temperatures in the Antarctic Ocean has led to sponge growth rate is very slow. One specimen was noted to have aged 1550 years.