Friday, March 11, 2011
monkeys in the rainforest
This page is a general introduction to my rainforest portfolio.
One of the rare monkeys in our rainforest
The monkeys live in a recently-opened rainforest enclosure in London Zoo,
Lapa Rios - Monkeys in the Rainforest
Proboscis monkey. Tropical rainforest ranges from mangrove to kerangas
Howler monkeys are among
Rainforest scene with osprey, anteater, macaw, golden tamarind monkey,
First, the Black Howler Monkey lives in the tropical rainforest and can also
White-faced Monkey looking for a treat, Monkey Island, Gatun Lake, Panama
of the most commonly seen monkeys in the Central American rainforest's,
Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) Local names: Mono fraile, Frailecillo,
Wooly monkey on the move, Amazon Rainforest, Peru
Brown Howler Monkey. Photo:Dario Sanches
One of the rare monkeys in our rainforest
We saw this little girl and her pet monkey in the village of Pacayaku,
Costa Rica Monkeys. Costa Rica is most known for its lush rainforest,
Black Howler Monkey high in the rainforest canopy of Parque Nacional
monkey-costa-rica.jpg. Capuchin laying on a brance in a tropical rain forest
Monkeys in the rainforest, Montezuma, Costa Rica
Stock Photo titled: Two Male Squirrel Monkeys Copulating In Rainforest Tree